Change WebLogic Password

Here's how to modify your WebLogic password.

  1. Log in to WebLogic Server Admin Console.
  2. On the home page, under Domain Structure, select Security Realms.
  3. Under Summary of Security Realms > Realms, select myrealm.
  4. Under Settings for myrealm, select Users and Groups tab.
  5. Under Users, select or click user name, for example, weblogic.
  6. Select Passwords tab.
  7. Enter the new password twice, and then click Save.
  8. Restart all managed servers:
    1. On the home page, under Environment, select Servers.
    2. On the right pane, under Summary of Servers, click Control tab.
    3. Select all servers from the check box, and select Shutdown > Force shutdown now.
  9. Now ssh to the host on which you have the installation.
  10. Run the following commands to start the server. Enter the admin user name and new password, when prompted.
    cd <Domain_Home>/esstools/bin