EPM Shared Services Security Users and Roles

All roles from EPM Shared Services can be mapped to the new roles and permissions, or you can to use those EPM Shared Services roles.

Essbase offers the following roles when using EPM Shared Services Security in the Essbase web interface.

Table 8-3 Essbase Server Roles

Role Description
Administrator Full access to administer Essbase Server, applications, and databases. This is same as Service Administrator role in WebLogic Security mode.
Create/Delete Application

Creates and deletes applications and databases. Includes Application Manager and Database Manager permissions for the applications and databases created by this user.

This is same as 'Power User' role in WebLogic Security mode.

Server Access

Accesses any application or database belonging to this Essbase Server. This level is the minimum access permission a user must have to access applications and databases.

This is same as 'User' role in WebLogic Security mode.

Provisioning Manager NA

Essbase Application Roles