Essbase Server Configuration File (essbase.cfg)

In addition to using the Configuration Tool and the Silent mode configuration option, you can change Essbase server configuration as needed by editing a file.

The server configuration file, essbase.cfg is located in <Domain Root>/<Domain Name>/config/fmwconfig/essconfig/essbase. When you run Configuration Tool, it writes the following configuration properties to essbase.cfg:

  • AGENTPORT—Clear port reserved for Essbase Agent

  • AGENTSECUREPORT—Secure port reserved for Essbase Agent

  • ENABLESECUREMODEtrue if you enable secure connection mode with Transport Layer Security (TLS)

  • ENABLECLEARMODEtrue if you did not enable secure connection mode with Transport Layer Security (TLS)

  • CLIENTPREFERREDMODEsecure or clear indicating the connection security used for communication with Essbase client tools

  • SERVERPORTBEGIN—Starting port number of a range of ports reserved for Essbase application server processes

  • SERVERPORTEND—Ending port number of a range of ports reserved for Essbase application server processes

  • AUTHENTICATIONMODULE—Mode selected for Essbase user and group authentication

  • ASODEFAULTCACHESIZE—Default size for the aggregate storage cache associated with aggregate storage cubes

You can edit essbase.cfg as needed. To learn how, see Set Server-Level Configuration Properties in Configuration Reference for Oracle Essbase documentation.