Plan Your Essbase Environment

Oracle recommends you use separate disk volumes or directories for the software binaries, Essbase application data, and WebLogic domain configuration. You provide these locations in the installation and configuration procedures.

Fusion Middleware and a relational database are prerequisites to installing Essbase.

About the Relational Database

Before you can configure Essbase, you need network connectivity to a relational database where the Essbase and Fusion Middleware RCU schemas reside.

Oracle recommends deploying a distinct pluggable database (PDB) for Essbase. You can read about Oracle’s multitenant architecture here: Introduction to Multitenant Architecture.

  • No other applications should have access to the Essbase repository schemas generated by the Repository Creation Utility (RCU).
  • No one else other than the designated administrator should have permission to access the schemas or their tables.
  • No one else should have the credentials to assign or change roles to access the PDB.
  • Every change to the PDB should be logged.

About Essbase <Oracle Home>

Install Essbase to the same <Oracle Home> as Fusion Middleware.

Using Mounted Volumes

For portability, it's optimal to mount a separate disk volume (networked drive) at the system root, and use it for the <Application Directory> and <Domain Root>/<Domain Name> directories.

WebLogic domains and Essbase applications require a path on disk. You define these locations during the Essbase configuration. Oracle recommends that you keep Essbase <Application Directory>, <Domain Root> directories, and <Oracle Home> separate.

About the <Domain Root>

The <Domain Root> is the path into which WebLogic domains are created on your system. If you don't pre-create a directory for <Domain Root>, the configuration tool creates it for you based on the path you specify. Allow at least 1.5G of disk space.

About the <Application Directory>

The <Application Directory> you select is where Essbase stores your application data (block, page, and index files). If you don't pre-create one, the configuration tool creates it for you based on the path you specify for <Application Directory>. Select a location separate from the location of software binaries. Allow enough disk space for your applications; Oracle recommends 1T.