Unconfigure and Uninstall Essbase

Do the following steps to unconfigure and uninstall Essbase.

Workflow and Prerequisites
  • When you want to unconfigure and uninstall Essbase, it's recommended to first perform unconfigure, and then to perform the uninstall command.
  • For Windows platform: you must run command sc delete EssbaseService at Windows command prompt to re-install or re-configure Essbase if you had previously configured Essbase with Windows Service option enabled.
  • Oracle Essbase must be present on your system before you drop a schema.
Unconfigure Essbase
  1. Perform a backup. See Back Up and Restore Essbase.
  2. Stop all servers - Essbase Server, Admin Server, and EAS Server (if installed):

    For Linux:

    If you encounter any problems with stopping a server, use the relevant process below (for Linux).
    • Stop Essbase Server:
            ESSBASE_PID = ‘ps-ef | grep essbase_server_name | | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'
            ’kill -9  $ESSBASE_PID
    • Stop AdminServer:
      # ADMIN_SERVER_PID = ‘ps -ef | grep
            AdminServer | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' ‘kill -9 $
    • Stop EAS Server:
      # EAS_SERVER_PID= ‘ ps -ef | grep
            eas_server_name | grep -v grep | | awk '{print $2}' ’
                        # kill -9

      For more information, see Stop, Start, and Check Servers.

    For Windows:

    Alternatively, you can open Task Manager > check for Essbase process (Process/Image Name is java.exe) > if any process is still present, stop them in Task Manager’s process list (by right-clicking on the process and select “End Process”).
  3. Drop all RCU schemas, prefixes, and components, using the interface-based procedure or Silent mode, as described in Delete RCU Schemas for Essbase.
  4. Delete the domain directory and application location (ARBORPATH directory), or use different directories in your next installation.
    # rm -rf  <Domain_Name>
    The paths can be obtained from the config.rsp (response file) generated during Essbase configuration. Before deleting, ensure that you backed up the application directory.
  5. If you have the feature.txt file in your Oracle_Home directory, you must delete its directory now, before you run uninstall.
    After you're run the above steps, you can proceed to run uninstall.
Uninstall Essbase

There are optional arguments that you can enter on the command line, when you launch the installer to uninstall Essbase. See Installer Options - Syntax and Commands.

The uninstall process deletes binary directories and inventory entries created during installation. This process only installs Essbase and doesn't uninstall Fusion Middleware.

  • To uninstall using Silent mode: Run the following command to uninstall the Essbase instance. If you want to uninstall all distributions (Essbase and FMW), replace the distributionName parameter value essbase with all.

    For Linux:
    <Oracle_Home>/oui/bin/deinstall.sh -silent -distributionName essbase
    For Windows:
    <Oracle_Home>\oui\bin\deinstall.cmd -silent -distributionName essbase
  • To uninstall using the interface procedure: Run the command below, select the specific distribution (Essbase instance) to uninstall, and click Uninstall. Essbase Installer opens, runs uninstall tasks, and then displays a summary page for you to confirm by clicking Uninstall. Click Finish when done.

    For Linux:
    For Windows: