Backup Scripts Failed on Target Instance Upgraded from 21.1 or 19.3.0.n.n Versions

Backup scripts failed, and bucket information was not updated on the Target instance.

After upgrading the stack from,,,, or 21.1 to 21.5.4, while creating a backup, the backup scripts failed.

If you are upgrading from or (created with existing or new database), or, or 21.1 (created only with existing database) perform the steps below. Skip the steps below if bucket details are already present in the ext_metadata.json file.


  1. Log in to the Target instance using ssh.
  2. Change to a working directory and create the following file:
    oci compute instance get --instance-id $(oci-metadata -j | jq -r '') --auth instance_principal | jq '.data."extended-metadata"' > ext_metadata.json
  3. Edit file ext_metadata.json to add a JSON field for bucket information, for example:
    "backup_bucket": {
    "id": "n/<namespace>/b/essbase_xxxx_backup",
    "name": "essbase_xxxx_backup",
    "namespace": <namespace>"},

    Replace "xxxx" above with the bucket details of any bucket in your tenancy.


    Regardless of how the existing backup bucket attribute appears in the ext_metadata.json file, such as null, empty block, or inside or outside the database attribute, you must add the above details as a separate attribute in the ext_metadata.json file.
  4. Execute the following command in Target stack to update Target stack metadata.
    oci compute instance update --instance-id $(oci-metadata -j | jq -r '') --extended-metadata file://./ext_metadata.json --auth instance_principal --force