Run MDX Query



Runs an MDX query, returning the results in the selected format (JSON, HTML, Excel, or CSV).

Results are an MDX output set in the requested format (the default is JSON). The output set contains metadata (including page, column, and row tuples) followed by data (a tuple for each row).


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Body ()

MDX query and preferences. Use this to execute an MDX query directly as a string, rather than running a saved MDX report (a named query saved in the cube context).

Root Schema : MDXInput
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : NamedQueriesPreferences
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Mostly OK

As this is a streaming API, it can fail even with status 200. Check for an errorMessage tag in the response to identify any errors.

Body ()
Root Schema : InputStream
Type: object

400 Response

Bad Request

Failed to get the data in the required format.

500 Response

Internal Server Error.

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The following example shows how to run an MDX query as a string.

Script with cURL Command

This example uses cURL to access the REST API from a Windows shell script. The calling user's ID and password are variables whose values are set in properties.bat.

call properties.bat
curl -X POST "" -H Accept:application/octet-stream -H Content-type:application/json --data-binary "@./input_mdx.json" -o output_mdx.json -u %User%:%Password%

Input JSON data

The script above executes, on Sample Basic, the MDX input query stored in input_mdx.json. The input file has the following contents:

    "query" : "select {Product.Members} on rows, {Year.Members} on columns",
    "preferences" : {
        "dataless" : false,
        "formatValues" : true,
        "memberIdentifierType": "NAME"


  • query contains the input MDX string.

  • preferences contains options you can specify for the output set. For example,

    1. "dataless" : false means do not omit the data values from the output.
    2. "formatValues" : true means return the formatted values for cells of type text or date, or cells associated with a format string. By default, this setting is on.
    3. "memberIdentifierType" : "NAME" means the output should contain member names rather than aliases.

Example of Response Body

If successful, the API returns an MDX output set in the requested format (the default is JSON).

The output set has the following form (example in JSON):

	"metadata": {
		"page": [<tuple>],
		"column": [<tuple>],
		"row": [<tuple>]
	"data": [["",<data_row_tuples>],

The output includes key value pairs, where keys are metadata and data, and values are a) another MDX set and b) a data tuple.

Table - JSON Response Set

Key Value description
metadata {Metadata Set}
data [data tuple [row tuples]]

The following output set is written to output_mdx.json for the cURL example used above. In this documentation, the output has been formatted with whitespace for legibility.

	"metadata": {
		"page": ["Measures",
		"column": ["Year"],
		"row": ["Product"]
	"data": [["",
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