Get Currency Settings



Returns the currency settings for the database.


Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response


Currency settings returned successfully.

Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: string

500 Response

Internal Server Error.

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The following example shows how get the currency-conversion related information for a cube.

This example uses cURL to access the REST API from a Windows shell script. The calling user's ID and password are variables whose values are set in properties.bat.

Script with cURL Command

call properties.bat
curl -X GET "" -H Accept:application/json -u %User%:%Password%

Example of Response Body

If the main cube is set up correctly for currency conversion, the response body has values for all the keys in the schema:

  "currencyDatabase": "Xchgrate",
  "conversionType": "division",
  "conversionTypeMemberName": "Act xchg",
  "countryMemberName": "Market",
  "timeMemberName": "Year",
  "partitionMemberName": "Scenario"

If the main cube is not set up for currency conversion, the response body may look like this:

  "currencyDatabase": "",
  "conversionType": "division",
  "conversionTypeMemberName": "",
  "countryMemberName": "",
  "timeMemberName": "Year",
  "partitionMemberName": ""

To learn about setting up currency conversion for a cube, see Structure of Currency Applications.

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