Get Partition Cell Count



Gets source and target cell counts for the partition area definitions. A partition area must have the same number of cells in the source and target.


Supported Media Types
Path Parameters
Body ()

Partition information.

Root Schema : PartitionBean
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : areas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : mappings
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConnectionInfoBean
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AreaBean
Type: object
Show Source
  • slices

    Optional slice definition defining source and target member mappings. Essbase uses this information to determine how to put data into the target if the target and the source use different names for some members and dimensions.

  • Partition source area/region, with optional list of slices containing specific member mappings.

  • Cell count of the partition source area. The source and target areas of a transparent or replicated partition should contain the same number of cells. Cell count does not include the cells of attribute dimensions.

  • Partition target area/region, with optional list of slices containing specific member mappings.

  • Cell count of the partition target area. The source and target areas of a transparent or replicated partition should contain the same number of cells. Cell count does not include the cells of attribute dimensions.

Nested Schema : slices
Type: array

Optional slice definition defining source and target member mappings. Essbase uses this information to determine how to put data into the target if the target and the source use different names for some members and dimensions.

Show Source
Nested Schema : MemberMappingBean
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : EsbToColMap
Type: object

For federated Essbase cube, map dimensions or members to columns in the fact table.

Show Source
Nested Schema : EssToDsMapDTO
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : arr
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : EsbToColMapInfo
Type: object

For federated Essbase cube, map dimensions or members to columns in the fact table.

Show Source
Nested Schema : dimensions
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Dimension
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AttributeOptions
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : generations
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : levels
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : MeasureOptions
Type: object

Load rule definition properties relating primarily to the Accounts dimension.

Show Source
  • If the dimension is associated with a currency conversion application, the currency category. This is an Accounts member from the currency cube. Example: P&L.

  • Allowed Values: [ "EXISTING", "NONE", "CATEGORY", "NO_CONVERSION" ]

    Currency conversion action to take during the dimension build. Mark any members that should not be currency-converted as NO_CONVERSION. NONE does not indicate no conversion; rather, it indicates that the conversion category is unspecified (thus inherited).

  • If the dimension is associated with a currency conversion application, the currency name. This is a Country dimension type member from the currency cube. Examples: USD, CND, GPB, EUR

  • Allowed Values: [ "NONE", "NA", "MISSING", "ZERO", "MISSING_ZERO" ]

    If you set the timeBalanceOption as FIRST, LAST, or AVERAGE, then use the skip property to indicate how to calculate the parent value when missing- or zero-values are encountered. NONE: Does not skip data when calculating parent value. MISSING: Skips #MISSING data. ZERO: Skips data that equals zero. MISSING_ZERO: Skips #MISSING data and data that equals zero.

  • Allowed Values: [ "EXISTING", "NONE", "FIRST", "LAST", "AVERAGE" ]

    The time balance property, if used. By default, a parent in the time dimension is calculated based on the consolidation and formulas of its children. For example, in the Sample.Basic database, the Qtr1 member is the sum of its children (Jan, Feb, and Mar). However, setting a time balance property causes parents, for example Qtr1, to roll up differently.

  • True to mark the dimension as using two-pass calculation.

  • Allowed Values: [ "EXISTING", "NON_EXPENSE", "EXPENSE" ]

    Whether to treat accounts members as expense items. EXISTING to keep the current setting.

Nested Schema : indepDimensions
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : IndepDimension
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Level
Type: object
Show Source
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Supported Media Types

200 Response


Partition area cell count returned successfully.

Body ()
Root Schema : PartitionBean
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : areas
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : mappings
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : ConnectionInfoBean
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AreaBean
Type: object
Show Source
  • slices

    Optional slice definition defining source and target member mappings. Essbase uses this information to determine how to put data into the target if the target and the source use different names for some members and dimensions.

  • Partition source area/region, with optional list of slices containing specific member mappings.

  • Cell count of the partition source area. The source and target areas of a transparent or replicated partition should contain the same number of cells. Cell count does not include the cells of attribute dimensions.

  • Partition target area/region, with optional list of slices containing specific member mappings.

  • Cell count of the partition target area. The source and target areas of a transparent or replicated partition should contain the same number of cells. Cell count does not include the cells of attribute dimensions.

Nested Schema : slices
Type: array

Optional slice definition defining source and target member mappings. Essbase uses this information to determine how to put data into the target if the target and the source use different names for some members and dimensions.

Show Source
Nested Schema : MemberMappingBean
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : EsbToColMap
Type: object

For federated Essbase cube, map dimensions or members to columns in the fact table.

Show Source
Nested Schema : EssToDsMapDTO
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : arr
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : EsbToColMapInfo
Type: object

For federated Essbase cube, map dimensions or members to columns in the fact table.

Show Source
Nested Schema : dimensions
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : Dimension
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : AttributeOptions
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : generations
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : levels
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : MeasureOptions
Type: object

Load rule definition properties relating primarily to the Accounts dimension.

Show Source
  • If the dimension is associated with a currency conversion application, the currency category. This is an Accounts member from the currency cube. Example: P&L.

  • Allowed Values: [ "EXISTING", "NONE", "CATEGORY", "NO_CONVERSION" ]

    Currency conversion action to take during the dimension build. Mark any members that should not be currency-converted as NO_CONVERSION. NONE does not indicate no conversion; rather, it indicates that the conversion category is unspecified (thus inherited).

  • If the dimension is associated with a currency conversion application, the currency name. This is a Country dimension type member from the currency cube. Examples: USD, CND, GPB, EUR

  • Allowed Values: [ "NONE", "NA", "MISSING", "ZERO", "MISSING_ZERO" ]

    If you set the timeBalanceOption as FIRST, LAST, or AVERAGE, then use the skip property to indicate how to calculate the parent value when missing- or zero-values are encountered. NONE: Does not skip data when calculating parent value. MISSING: Skips #MISSING data. ZERO: Skips data that equals zero. MISSING_ZERO: Skips #MISSING data and data that equals zero.

  • Allowed Values: [ "EXISTING", "NONE", "FIRST", "LAST", "AVERAGE" ]

    The time balance property, if used. By default, a parent in the time dimension is calculated based on the consolidation and formulas of its children. For example, in the Sample.Basic database, the Qtr1 member is the sum of its children (Jan, Feb, and Mar). However, setting a time balance property causes parents, for example Qtr1, to roll up differently.

  • True to mark the dimension as using two-pass calculation.

  • Allowed Values: [ "EXISTING", "NON_EXPENSE", "EXPENSE" ]

    Whether to treat accounts members as expense items. EXISTING to keep the current setting.

Nested Schema : indepDimensions
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : IndepDimension
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : Level
Type: object
Show Source

400 Response

Bad Request

Failed to get partition area cell count.

500 Response

Internal Server Error.

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The following example shows how to count the cells for the source and target partition area definitions.

This example uses cURL to access the REST API from a Windows shell script. The calling user's ID and password are variables whose values are set in properties.bat.

Script with cURL Command

call properties.bat
curl -X POST "" -H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" --data-binary "@./input_partitioninfo.json" -o output.json -u %User%:%Password%

Sample JSON Payload

The cURL example above delivers the following JSON payload in input_partitioninfo.json.

  "type": "TRANSPARENT",
   "isNew": true,
   "federatedTypeCR": false,
   "federatedTypeAV": false,
   "sourceInfo": {
       "serverName": "",
       "applicationName": "SampSrc",
       "databaseName": "Basic"
    "areas": [
        "sourceArea": "@idesc(\"100\")",
        "targetArea": "@idesc(\"100\")",
        "slices": [
            "sourceMember": "\"100-10\"",
            "targetMember": "\"555-55\""
     "mappings": []

Example of Response Body

The following output is written to output.json:

  "type" : "TRANSPARENT",
  "isNew" : true,
  "updatable" : false,
  "locked" : false,
  "federatedTypeCR" : false,
  "federatedTypeAV" : false,
  "sourceInfo" : {
    "serverName" : "",
    "alterCredentials" : false,
    "applicationLevelConnection" : false,
    "applicationLevelDatasource" : false,
    "applicationName" : "SampSrc",
    "databaseName" : "Basic"
  "targetInfo" : {
    "serverName" : "",
    "alterCredentials" : false,
    "applicationLevelConnection" : false,
    "applicationLevelDatasource" : false
  "areas" : [ {
    "sourceArea" : "@idesc(\"100\")",
    "sourceCellCount" : 95200,
    "targetArea" : "@idesc(\"100\")",
    "targetCellCount" : 95200,
    "slices" : [ {
      "sourceMember" : "\"100-10\"",
      "targetMember" : "\"555-55\""
    } ]
  } ],
  "mappings" : []
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