Download Latest Log



Downloads the latest application log file as a text file.


Path Parameters
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Supported Media Types

200 Response


Log file returned successfully.

400 Response

Bad Request

Failed to return log file.

500 Response

Internal Server Error.

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The following example shows how to download the latest log file for an application.

This example uses cURL to access the REST API from a Windows shell script. The calling user's ID and password are variables whose values are set in properties.bat.

cURL Command

call properties.bat
curl -X GET "" -i -H "accept: application/octet-stream" -o Sample.log -u %User%:%Password%

Example of Response Header

The following example shows the contents of the response header. The response header is included because the cURL command option -i is used. Sample.log is downloaded to the directory from which the cURL command was issued, because the command option -o is used.

access-control-allow-headers: origin, content-type, accept, host, authorization, cache-control 
 access-control-allow-methods: GET, POST, DELETE, PUT 
 access-control-allow-origin: * 
 cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate 
 content-disposition: attachment; filename="Sample.log" 
 content-type: application/octet-stream 
 date: Fri, 2 Sep 2022 23:21:11 GMT 
 expires: 0 
 transfer-encoding: chunked 
 x-oracle-dms-ecid: 0135346f-6d0c-40ab-85b2-37daf6b24061-000007b4 
 x-oracle-dms-rid: 0 
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