Get Application General Settings



Returns general settings of the specified application. Additional settings can be retrieved using the expand parameter.


Path Parameters
Query Parameters
  • Use none to show only general settings (this is the default). Other options available: startup, security, and all.

    Default Value: none
    Allowed Values: [ "none", "startup", "security", "all" ]
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Supported Media Types

200 Response


General application settings returned successfully, with links to get expanded settings and to edit settings.

Body ()
Root Schema : settings
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : general
Type: object

General application settings, including options for startup, expiration of locks on data, EAS-managed applications, and maximum LRO file sizes.

Show Source
  • Description of the application.

  • If true, the application is managed in Essbase Administration Services (EAS) Lite instead of the Essbase web interface. Before you can connect to an application in EAS Lite, you must set it as an EAS managed application. The Essbase web interface is the modern administration interface that supports all current platform features, but EAS Lite is available as a limited-option alternative available only for Essbase 21c independent deployment.

  • Log level. INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL, or DEBUG.

  • Maximum file size for Linked Reporting Object(LRO) attachments. There is no default. There is no minimum or maximum value, excepting limitations imposed by your system resources.

  • Maximum size to which the aggregate storage cache may grow. The aggregate storage cache grows dynamically until it reaches this limit. This setting takes effect after you restart the application. This setting is ignored if ASODEFAULTCACHESIZE configuration property is in use.

  • Maximum time interval that locks on data blocks can be held by Smart View (or other grid client) users. When a client data-block lock is held for more than the time out interval, Essbase removes the lock and the transaction is rolled back. The default interval is 60 minutes. This setting affects all databases in the application.

Nested Schema : security
Type: object

Application security settings.

Show Source
  • If true, all users with sufficient permissions can make requests to the database (cube) in the application. By default, commands are enabled. If set to false, no requests are permitted by any user including administrators. The false setting remains in effect only for the duration of the issuer's session. The false setting takes effect immediately, and affects users who are currently logged in, as well as users who log in later during the issuer's session.

  • If true, all users with sufficient permissions can make connections to the database (cube) in the application. By default, connections are enabled. If false, no user with a permission lower than Application Manager can start the cube nor make connections that require the cube to be started.

  • If true, all users with sufficient permissions can make requests to the databases (cube) in the application. By default, updates are enabled. If set to false, updates are not permitted, lasting for the duration of the issuer's session.

Nested Schema : startup
Type: object

Application startup settings.

Show Source

400 Response

Failed to get the settings. The application name may be incorrect.

500 Response

Internal Server Error.

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The following example shows how to get general and expanded settings of an Essbase application.

This example uses cURL to access the REST API from a Windows shell script. The calling user's ID and password are variables whose values are set in properties.bat.

Script with cURL Command

call properties.bat
curl -X GET "" -H Accept:application/json -H Content-Type:application/json -u %User%:%Password%

Example of Response Body

  "general" : {
    "description" : "Application description",
    "logLevelAsString" : "INFO",
    "timeoutOnDataBlockLocks" : 60,
    "maxAttachmentFileSizeInKbs" : 0,
    "pendingCacheSizeLimitInMbs" : 0,
    "easManagedApp" : true
  "startup" : {
    "allowUsersToStartApplication" : true,
    "startApplicationWhenServerStarts" : true
  "security" : {
    "allowCommands" : true,
    "allowConnects" : true,
    "allowUpdates" : true
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