Download Utility



Returns utility with specified ID as stream.


Path Parameters
  • ID of the utility.

    • exportutility: Command-line cube export utility.
    • smartview: Smart View for Essbase
    • lcm: Life Cycle Management (LCM) utility for backup/restore/migration.
    • cli: Essbase Command-Line Interface
    • migrationTool: Command-line migration utility
    • EssbaseMaxlClient: MaxL Client for Windows
    • EssbaseLinuxMaxlClient: MaxL Client for Linux
    • EssbaseClientLinux: Essbase client libraries for C developers on Linux
    • EssbaseClientWindows: Essbase client libraries for C developers on Windows
    • EssbaseClientMacosx: Essbase client libraries for C developers on Mac OS
    • japi: Essbase tools and libraries for Java API
    • esscdext: Cube Designer extension and add-in to Smart View
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200 Response


Utility with specified ID found.

400 Response

Bad Request

Failed to download utility with specified ID.

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The following example shows how to download an Essbase utility.

These Essbase tools are available to help with administration, import, and export. Set up the client computer using these tools. Be sure you're using the latest versions of the utilities, as older, previously downloaded versions may not work correctly.

To download a utility, you must provide the utility ID. The example ID is cli. The list of available utilities, which you can also retrieve using List Utilities, is as follows:

  • exportutility - 11g Excel Export Utility, which exports Essbase 11g applications to application workbooks. You can use the application workbooks to re-create the applications on the current Essbase version.
  • smartview - Smart View for Essbase, which enables you to interact with Essbase data in Microsoft Office to analyze, model, collaborate, and report.
  • lcm - 11g LCM Export Utility, which exports artifacts from Essbase 11g as a .zip file you can import in to Essbase 12c or higher. This Life Cycle Management (LCM) utility can also be used to export from, and import to, 11g releases of Essbase. This utility packages into a zip everything you need to support migration to the current version.
  • cli - Essbase Command-Line Interface, which uses REST APIs to perform most common Essbase administrative actions. The CLI includes an LCMImport command you can use for migrating 11g LCM Export Utility .zip files exported from Essbase 11g On-Premise. The LCMExport and LCMImport commands also facilitate migrating applications between instances, on versions 12c or higher.
  • migrationTool - Migration Utility, which manages migration of an entire Essbase instance, for Essbase 12c or higher. In addition to migrating application artifacts, this utility also helps you migrate user role assignments and users/groups from supported identity providers.
  • EssbaseMaxlClient - MaxL Client for Windows
  • EssbaseLinuxMaxlClient - MaxL Client for Linux
  • EssbaseClientLinux - Essbase client libraries for C developers on Linux
  • EssbaseClientWindows - Essbase client libraries for C developers on Windows
  • EssbaseClientMacosx - Essbase client libraries for C developers on Mac OS
  • japi - Essbase tools and libraries for Java API
  • esscdext - Cube Designer extension and add-in to Smart View
  • EASConsole - Essbase Administration Services (EAS Lite) console, available only for Essbase 21c independent deployment

Script with cURL Command

This example uses cURL to access the REST API from a Windows shell script. The calling user's ID and password are variables whose values are set in properties.bat.

call properties.bat
curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -u %User%:%Password%
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