Send Requests

Use these guidelines when sending requests using the Oracle Essbase REST API.

URL Structure

Use the following URL structure to access the Essbase REST endpoints:

  • endpoint-path is the relative path that identifies the REST resource.

  • base_URL is of the format IP-address:port/essbase/rest/v1. The default SSL port is 443, unless it was changed during stack creation.

For example, the URL to access a list of applications on an Essbase instance could be:

Supported Methods

You can perform basic CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete) on a resource by using standard HTTP method requests, as summarized in the following table.

HTTP Method Description
GET Retrieve information about an Essbase resource; for example, get session information, search users, or get a list of databases.
POST Add or create an Essbase resource; for example, lock an object, add a user, or load data.
PUT Update an Essbase resource; for example, update an application's configuration, provision a user or group, or set an alias.
PATCH Patch an existing Essbase resource; for example, update application settings or update a partition definition.
DELETE Delete an Essbase resource; for example, delete an unused filter.

Media Types

Unless specified otherwise by the operation, the Essbase REST API supports application/json.

Supported Headers

The Essbase REST API supports the following headers that may be passed in the header section of the HTTP request or response.

Header Description Example
Accept-Encoding List of acceptable encodings to support compression. Accept-Encoding: gzip
Content-Encoding List of acceptable encodings to support compression. Content-Encoding: deflate
Content-Type Media type of the body of the request. Required for POST and PUT requests. Content-Type: application/json