Alter Object

The MaxL alter object statement helps you rename, unlock, or copy artifacts related to an Essbase database.


Description of altobj.gif follows
Description of the illustration altobj.gif

Use alter object to edit artifacts in the following ways:


rename to

Rename the artifact. Not applicable for partition files, worksheets, or outlines.


Unlock an artifact that is locked by another user or process. Not applicable for alias tables and worksheets. Unlocking an artifact of type lro is applicable for stored linked-reporting objects only; that is, files with the .LRO extension.


To unlock all database artifacts, use alter database DBS-NAME unlock all objects;.

copy to

Make a copy of a server artifact. Not applicable for partition files, worksheets, or outlines. If an artifact of the new name already exists, it is replaced.

force copy to

Make a copy of a server artifact. Not applicable for partition files, worksheets, or outlines. If an artifact of the new name already exists, it is replaced. If an administrator issues the statement with the force keyword, locked artifacts are unlocked, copied, and re-locked.


  • Specified artifacts must be persisted in the database directory.

  • Attempting to rename or copy an artifact of type "partition_file" returns an error.


alter object sample.basic.genref of type rules_file rename to 'level';

Renames a rules file in the Sample.Basic directory, named genref.rul, to level.rul.

alter object sample.basic.Calcdat of type text rename to 'c_data';

Renames a text file in the Sample.Basic directory, named calcdat.txt, to c_data.txt.

alter object of type partition_file unlock;

Unlocks the partition definition file for the Samppart Company database.