Execute Calculation (Aggregate Storage)

The MaxL execute calculation statement for ASO mode helps you run a custom calculation script for an Essbase aggregate storage database.

Click here for non-aggregate storage version

Use this statement to execute a custom calculation script expressed in MDX, specifying the script file, source region, and point of view (POV). Optionally specify the target, offset, and debit or credit members.

Minimum permission required: Database Update.

For more information about custom calculation script parameters, see Performing Custom Calculations and Allocations on Aggregate Storage Databases.


Description of excalc_as.gif follows
Description of the illustration excalc_as.gif

You can execute custom calculations with the following options:


local script_file

Required. Run the specified local calculation script file. Custom calculation scripts are expressed in MDX. The following is an example of a custom calculation script, script.txt.

(AccountA,Proj1) := 100;
([AccountB], [Proj1]) := ([AccountB], [Proj1]) * 1.1;
(AccountC,Proj1) := 
	((AccountB,Proj1,2007) + (AccountB, Proj1)) / 2;
(AccountA,Proj2) := 
	((AccountD,Proj1) + 
	  (AccountB,Proj2)) / 2;

For information about writing custom calculation scripts, see Performing Custom Calculations and Allocations on Aggregate Storage Databases.

pov <mdx-set>

Required. Provide an MDX set defining the context region in which the calculation is performed. The calculation script will be executed once for every cross-product in the POV region.

sourceregion <mdx-set>

Required. Provide an MDX set specifying the region of the cube referred to by the formulas in the script. At a minimum, the source region should include all members from the right-hand sides of the assignment statements in the custom calculation script.

target <mdx-tuple>

Optional. Provide an MDX tuple defining the database region where results are written. You can use only stored, level-0 members in the tuple; do not use upper-level members, attribute members, or dynamic calc members.

debitmember <mdx-mbr>

Optional. If double-entry accounting is used, provide an MDX member expression indicating the member to which positive result values are written. You can specify only stored, level-0 members; do not use upper-level members, attribute members, or dynamic calc members.

creditmember <mdx-mbr>

Optional. If double-entry accounting is used, provide an MDX member expression indicating the member to which negative result values are written. You can specify only stored, level-0 members; do not use upper-level members, attribute members, or dynamic calc members.

offset <mdx-tuple>

Optional. If offsetting entries are used, provide an MDX tuple defining the location in the database where an offsetting value for each source amount is written. You can use only stored, level-0 members in the tuple; do not use upper-level members, attribute members, or dynamic calc members.

override|add|subtract values

Optional. Generated calculation values can be added to (or subtracted from) existing values, instead of overwriting them. Overwriting is the default.


  • Each clause can only be entered once.

  • The script_file, pov, and sourceregion clauses are mandatory; the others are optional.

  • The optional clauses following the sourceregion specification can be entered in any order, each separated by white space.

  • You can specify only stored, level-0 members on the left side of the assignment statement in the custom calculation script; do not use upper-level members, attribute members, or dynamic calc members.

  • You can specify only stored, level-0 members in the following clauses: DebitMember, CreditMember, Target, and Offset.


The following statement executes script.txt referenced above. For a sample use case, see Performing Custom Calculations and Allocations on Aggregate Storage Databases.

execute calculation on database app.db with
  local script_file "script.txt"
  POV "Crossjoin({[VisionUS]},
      Crossjoin ({[Jan]},
          Descendants(Geography, Geography.Levels(0))))))"
  SourceRegion "Crossjoin({[AccountB], [AccountD]},
    Crossjoin({[Proj1], [Proj2]}, {[2007]}))"
  Target "(Allocation)"
  DebitMember "[BeginningBalance_Debit]"
  CreditMember "[BeginningBalance_Credit]"
  Offset  "([Account_000], [Project_000])"
  add values;