Export Outline

The MaxL export outline statement helps you export Essbase metadata, either from the active cube outline or an input outline file, to a specified XML file.

Export outline files must be written to a location on the Essbase Server or client machine on which the export outline MaxL statement is run.

Permission required: Database Manager.


Description of expotl.gif follows
Description of the illustration expotl.gif

You can export metadata information from a cube in the following ways using export outline.



Specify the cube name instead of the outline file path.


Specify the outline file path instead of the cube name.

all dimensions

Export information about all dimensions in the cube.

list dimensions

Export information about only the listed dimensions. Specify each dimension name within curly braces, and separated by commas.


Export only the member names in the hierarchy, omitting full metadata details.

with alias_table

Export using only the member names indicated in the specified alias table.

to xml_file

Specify the absolute path to the output XML file, including the file name.


  • This statement requires the cube to be started.

  • The following general outline information is included in the XML export:

    • Case sensitiveness

    • Outline Type

    • Duplicate Member Names allowed

    • Typed Measures Enabled

    • Date Format

    • Varying Attributes Enabled

    • Alias Table count and list

    • Active Alias Table

    • Attribute information

    • Auto configure

    • Text list definitions

    • Universal member comments

    • Locale, if it exists

    • Query hint list (if aggregate storage)

  • The following dimension information is included in the XML export:

    • Name

    • Two pass calc

    • Type

    • Text list, if text typed

    • Formula

    • Format String

    • Comment

    • Extended member comment

    • Dimension category

    • Attribute type

    • Data Storage

    • Dimension Storage

    • Alias Names, if any

    • UDAs, if any

    • Consolidation

    • Attribute dimension associated

    • Independent dimensions, if any

    • Time balance

    • Skip options

    • Variance reporting

    • Currency conversion

    • Currency conversion member

    • Dynamic Time Series enabled list

    • Attachment level, if linked attribute dimension

    • Dimension solve order

    • Is Non Unique dimension?

    • Hierarchy type

    • Level usage for aggregation (for aggregate storage hierarchies)

    • Is Compression dimension? (if aggregate storage)

    • Storage category

  • The following member information is included in the XML export:

    • Name

    • Two pass calc

    • Type

    • Text list, if text typed

    • Is shared?

    • Shared member name, if shared

    • Formula

    • Format string

    • Comment

    • Extended member comment

    • Attribute type

    • Data storage

    • Dimension storage

    • Alias names, if any

    • UDAs, if any

    • Consolidation

    • Attribute member associated

    • Validity sets, if any

    • Time balance

    • Skip options

    • Variance reporting

    • Currency conversion

    • Currency conversion member

    • Member solve order (if aggregate storage)

    • Level usage for aggregation (for aggregate storage hierarchy members)


Linux Example 1

export outline sample.basic all dimensions to xml_file '/scratch/myexports/basic.xml';

Exports all outline information from Sample.Basic to the specified XML file, basic.xml.

Linux Example 2

export outline sample.basic list dimensions {"Product", "Market"} tree to xml_file '/scratch/myexports/basic.xml';

Exports information about Product and Market dimensions from Sample.Basic to the XML file.

Windows Example

export outline sample.basic all dimensions with alias_table "Default" to xml_file 'C:\\myexports\\basic.xml';

Exports information about all dimensions in Sample.Basic, using only default alias names.