The GROUP-NAME terminal in the MaxL language represents name of an Essbase security group.

Group name guidelines:

  • Non-Unicode application limit: 256 bytes

  • Unicode-mode application limit: 256 characters

  • Group names must start with a letter or a number

  • The following special characters are not permitted:

    . ; , = + * ? [ ] |< > \ " ' / [Space] [Tab]
  • If the group name contains any special characters (see MaxL Syntax Notes), the name must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.



If a user or group name includes the @ character, you must specify the provider as well. For example, if you want to log in user admin@msad which is on a Native Directory provider, you must specify 'admin@msad@Native Directory'.


Sales010@Native Directory
with identity "native://nvid=f0ed2a6d7fb07688:5a342200:1265973105c:-7f46?GROUP"