Import Query Tracking (Aggregate Storage)

The MaxL import query_tracking statement for ASO mode helps you import query tracking data from a text file to an Essbase aggregate storage cube.

Query tracking captures user retrieval statistics against an aggregate storage cube, enabling Essbase to make view-based optimizations to improve the performance of aggregations.

When an aggregate storage cube is refreshed or restarted, query data is not persisted in the cube. As an optimization technique, before refreshing or restarting, you can export query tracking data to a text file. To rebuild aggregate views after a refresh or restart, import the query tracking data from the text file. Essbase uses the query data to select the most appropriate set of aggregate views to materialize.

Prerequisites before importing query tracking data:

  • Query tracking is enabled and working for an aggregate storage cube.


    Query tracking is enabled by default for aggregate storage cubes. To check whether it's enabled, you can confirm by running the following MaxL statement (example is for ASOSamp Basic cube):

    query database ASOSamp.Basic get cube_size_info;

    If you need to enable query tracking, use the alter database (aggregate storage) statement with the enable query_tracking grammar.

  • Query tracking data for the cube has been exported to a text file on the Essbase Server.

Permission required: Database Manager.


Description of imp_qry_tracking_as.gif follows
Description of the illustration imp_qry_tracking_as.gif

You can use import query_tracking in the following ways.


import query_tracking <dbs-name> from server file...

Import query data to the specified aggregate storage cube from the specified file. For FILE-NAME, specify the name of the text file that contains the query data to import. By default, the file is created in the cube directory, or whichever Essbase Server directory the administrator has specified for FILEGOVPATH.

import query_tracking <dbs-name> from file...

You can omit the server keyword, but the result is the same.


  • Do not edit the text file with the exported query data.

  • Query tracking and query tracing are different. Query tracking captures user retrieval statistics against an aggregate storage cube, so that Essbase can make view-based optimizations to improve the performance of aggregations. It is on by default. Query tracing helps you monitor Essbase query performance metrics for block storage and hybrid cubes. It is off by default. If you enable it, the information you want to trace is written to the application log and/or a separate tracing log. Related configuration parameters: TRACE_REPORT, QUERYTRACE.


import query_tracking ASOsamp.Basic from server file 'query_data_aso_sample.txt';

Imports the query data from the named file in the cube directory (or whichever directory the administrator has specified for export files) to the ASOsamp.Basic cube.