Shifts the first row names column in column-output order by the specified number of characters.


Default (No value): Indents columns by 2.


{ INDENT [ offset ] }



Optional. Number of spaces to indent column 0 from the left boundary of the name column. Values:

  • Positive number (up to 100): Shifts column 0 to the right.

  • Negative number: Shifts column left, but cannot indent to the left of the start of the name column.

  • 0: Returns column to original position.

  • Default (no value): Indents columns by 2.


  • { INDENT } shifts column 0 two characters to the right (the default) and decreases the size of column 1 by two.

  • { INDENT 0 } resets the indent position to the original position regardless of the current position.

  • When a member is indented, the width of the names column for that member is decreased to offset the indent. This does not shift the remaining columns in the report.

  • Once the indented names column has been declared, you can use the ORDER command to moved it within the final output format or precede it with regular or calculated columns.

  • Hierarchical relationships between row members are, by default, indicated by indentation. Indentation only applies to a group of rows generated together, such as when a single ! is used. If each consecutive row is generated independently, using its own !, then no indentation occurs.


The following report script is designed for the Demo Basic cube, available in the gallery. The first report script for Chicago generates the default indentation, while the second report for Boston uses the { INDENT 10} command to shift the row names column 10 places to the right.

<PAGE (Market, Accounts, Scenario)
Chicago Sales Actual

<COLUMN (Year)

<ROW (Product)

{ INDENT 10 }
Boston Sales Actual


This example produces the following report:

                         Chicago Sales Actual 
                 Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4     Year 
             ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== 
Stereo          2,591    2,476    2,567    3,035   10,669 
Compact_Disc    3,150    3,021    3,032    3,974   13,177 
  Audio         5,741    5,497    5,599    7,009   23,846 

                         Boston Sales Actual 
                 Qtr1     Qtr2     Qtr3     Qtr4     Year 
             ======== ======== ======== ======== ======== 
      Stereo    2,450    2,341    2,377    2,917   10,085 
      Compact_~ 3,290    3,034    3,132    3,571   13,027 
        Audio   5,740    5,375    5,509    6,488   23,112