The MACRO-NAME terminal in the MaxL language represents the name of a custom-defined Essbase calculator macro (CDM). Macro names are a shorthand way to refer to macro expansions.

The name of a macro is a unique string that begins with a letter or a @, #, $, _ symbol. The name can include alphanumeric characters or the aforementioned symbols. Oracle recommends that you start a macro name with @. Although macros must have unique names within a given application, a global macro and a local macro can share the same name. However, the local macro takes precedence.

To create or refer to a local (application-level) macro, use the double name (for example, Sample.'@JSUM').

Any part of the name that contains special characters must be enclosed in single or double quotation marks.


Syntax for local (application-level) macro:


Syntax for global macro:

  • name1—Application name.

  • name2—Macro name.




  • Sample.'@COUNTRANGE'—Application-level (local) macro name without a signature, meaning that there are no restrictions on its arguments.

  • Sample.'@COUNTRANGE(Any)'—Same as Sample.'@COUNTRANGE'. Once registered for the application, @COUNTRANGE can take any arguments.

  • '@JCOUNTS' - System-level (global) macro name.

  • '@JCOUNTS(single,group)'— Same as '@JCOUNTS', but with a signature restricting its arguments.

For more information about macro signatures (input parameters), see Custom-Defined Macro Input Parameters.