Outline Paging Dimension Statistics

The following columns are the output of the MaxL statement beginning with query database DBS-NAME get opg_state.

This statement is only applicable to databases using aggregate storage.

Table 3-18 Outline Paging Dimension Statistics MaxL Output Columns

Column Name Contents
version The version of the outline paging section (a Berkeley DB database).
unique_keys The number of unique keys in the outline paging section.
key/data_pairs The number of key/data pairs in the outline paging section.
page_size The page size (in bytes) of the underlying database.
minimum_keys_per_page The minimum number of keys per page.
length of fixed_length_records The length of the fixed-length records (only available when the outline paging section is a Recno database).
padding_byte_value_for_fixed_length_columns The padding byte value for fixed-length records.
levels Number of levels in the underlying database corresponding to the outline paging section.
internal_pages Number of internal pages in the underlying database.
leaf_pages Number of leaf pages in the underlying database.
duplicate_pages Number of duplicate pages in the underlying database.
overflow_pages Number of overflow pages in the underlying database.
pages_on_free_list Number of pages on the free list in the underlying database.
bytes_free_in_internal_pages Number of bytes free in internal pages of the underlying database.
bytes_free_in_leaf_pages Number of bytes free in leaf pages of the underlying database.
bytes_free_in_duplicate_pages Number of bytes free in duplicate pages of the underlying database.
bytes_free_in_overflow_pages Number of bytes free in overflow pages of the underlying database.