Report Writer Limits

Learn about the Essbase report writer query limit, and limits for specific report writer commands.

Report Writer Query Limit

Report Writer supports regions that expand to no larger than 264-1 cells.

If a report would expand to a larger-than-supported region, one of the following internal errors is returned:

1001632 "Internal Error: Mathematical operation resulted in integer overflow/underflow; reduce the size of the report region"

1200646 "Internal error: Set is too large to be processed. Set size exceeds 2^64 tuples"

1200713 "Internal Error: Mathematical operation results in integer overflow/underflow. Reduce the size of the query region"

1200762 "Internal Error: Mathematical operation results in wide integer overflow/underflow; reduce the size of the query region"

1204006 "Expanded query grid size does not fit into 64-bit integer. Change the query or simplify the outline model to include less formula dependencies."

Report Writer Command Limits

Command Limit
CALCULATE COLUMN No more than 50 column calculations can be defined at any one time in the report.
CALCULATE ROW Limited to returning no more than 500 rows.