Sample 20: Using Attributes in Member Selection

This sample report uses members of attribute dimensions to view data on base dimensions that are associated with those attribute dimensions.

Profit Actual Caffeinated_True Qtr1 East 

          Ounces_32   Ounces_20   Ounces_16   Ounces_12      Ounces 
        =========== =========== =========== =========== =========== 

Bottle     #Missing         488         240        (586)        142 
Can        #Missing    #Missing    #Missing       2,776       2,776 
Pkg Type   #Missing         488         240       2,190       2,918 

Use the following script to create Sample 20:

{WIDTH 12}
<Page (Measures, Scenario, Caffeinated, Year, Market)
<Column (Ounces)
<Row ("Pkg Type")

The report output reflects data on Quarter 1 profits for caffeinated products by all their available sizes and package types. The data values indicate #MISSING when there is no data for a specific size in a specific package type. Because attributes are defined only on sparse dimensions, there are several #MISSING values in the sample report. You can represent missing values by suppressing the row or substituting a replacement text string, such as N/A. See Sample 2: Handling Missing Values for an example of substituting page breaks and labels for missing values.

This report script, ATTR.REP, is available in the \ARBORPATH\App\Sample\Basic directory.