Syntax Guidelines

  • Separate commands with at least one space, tab, or new line. Report processing is not affected by extra blank lines, spaces, or tabs.

  • Enter commands in either upper or lowercase. Commands are not case sensitive. If the database outline is case-sensitive, then the member names used in the report script must match the outline.

  • To start report processing, enter the ! report output command (exclamation point or "bang"), or one or more consecutive numeric values. You can place one or more report scripts, each terminated by its own ! command, in the same report file.

  • You can group more than one format command within a single set of curly braces. For example, these formats are synonyms:

      {UDATA SKIP}
      {UDATA} {SKIP}
  • Enclose member names that contain spaces or the member name "Default" in double quotes; for example, "Cost of Goods Sold" "Default".

  • If a formatting command is preceded by three or more of the characters "=," "-," and "_," the Report Extractor assumes that the characters are extraneous underline characters and ignores them. For example, ==={SKIP 1}

  • Use // (double slash) to indicate a comment. Everything on the line following a comment is ignored by the Report Writer. Each line of a comment must start with a double slash.