Upload: Add Cube Files

The upload CLI command uploads cube artifacts from a local directory to an instance of Essbase.

To perform tasks such as data loads, dimension builds, calculations, or other operations, you may need to upload data files, rule files, calculation script files, or other artifacts to the cube directory. You can also upload the artifacts to your user directory.

To upload files to a cube, you need at least Database Manager permission. No special permissions are required to upload to your user directory.


You can enable antivirus scanning in the Essbase web interface so that files are scanned for viruses before they are uploaded to the server.


upload [-verbose] -file filename [-application appname [-db cubename] | -catalogpath catalogPath] [-overwrite] [-nocompression][-compressionalgorithm]
Option Abbreviation Description
-verbose -v Optional. Show extended descriptions
-file -f Name of file to upload


File extensions must be lower case. For example, filename.txt.
-application -a Optional. Application name. If not provided, files are uploaded to your user directory, or to the catalog path specified in -CP.
-db -d Optional. Database (cube) name. Requires -a.
-catalogpath -CP Optional. Catalog path to the filename. Can be used instead of -a [-d] to specify the catalog location of the file.
-overwrite -o Optional. Overwrite existing file
-nocompression -nc Optional. Disable compression of data transfer
-compressionalgorithm -ca Optional. Available if -nc is not used. Defines which compression algorithm to use for data transfer. Possible choices: gzip or lz4.
  • gzip—Default if compression is used. Provides smaller data transfer with slower calculation.

  • lz4—Provides faster calculation with a slower data transfer.

Usage examples:

-ca gzip
-ca lz4


esscs upload -v -f c:/temp/Maxl01.msh -a Sample -d Basic -o -ca lz4
esscs upload -f C:/temp/Act1.rul -CP /shared

You can also manage files in Cube Designer, the Essbase web interface, or REST API.