Access Multiple Essbase Servers Using a Centralized Smart View URL

Using a Provider Services utility, you can configure a single point of end-user access from Smart View to multiple Essbase Server instances.

For independently deployed Essbase instances not registered with EPM Shared Services, you can use Provider Services to configure all the Essbase Servers to be accessible as nodes under one centralized Smart View URL.

After you do so, Smart View users will be able to access all the Essbase Servers using just one URL in their connection panel.

To set up the centralized URL access,

  1. Download scripts from Support.

    1. Log in to the My Oracle Support portal.

    2. Choose the Patches & Updates tab.

    3. Select Number/Name or Bug Number (Simple).

    4. In the Patch Name or Number field, enter patch number 34685297, and click Search.

    5. Download and extract the patch, and view the Readme.

  2. Copy the cloneTokenManagerKeys (.sh or .cmd) script and the file into the bin directory of <Domain Home> on your current Essbase server machine. If you do not know where <Domain Home> is in your environment, refer to Environment Locations in the Essbase Platform for an explanation.

    For Linux,

    1. Copy and into $DOMAIN_HOME/bin. For example:

      /scratch/<home dir>/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/essbase_domain/bin
    2. Open a command prompt in the $DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory, and grant execute permission to For example,

      chmod +x
    3. Run the script, providing a secondary Admin Server URL to synchronize it (for single sign-on) with the current server.

      The syntax is:


      For example:

      ./ t3://AdminServer2:7001

      If there are multiple environments to synchronize, enter the Admin Server URLs for each environment, delimited by spaces. For example:

      ./ t3://AdminServer2:7001 t3://AdminServer3:7001

      If TLS (SSL) is enabled, use the t3s protocol to specify the URL. For example:

      ./ t3s://AdminServer2:7002

    For Windows,

    1. Copy cloneTokenManagerKeys.cmd and into %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin. For example:

    2. Open a command prompt in the %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin directory.

    3. Run the script, providing a secondary Admin Server URL to synchronize it (for single sign-on) with the current server.

      The syntax is:

      .\cloneTokenManagerKeys.cmd t3://<ADMIN-SERVER-NAME>:<ADMIN-PORT>

      For example:

      .\cloneTokenManagerKeys.cmd t3://AdminServer2:7001

      If there are multiple environments to synchronize, enter the Admin Server URLs for each environment, delimited by spaces. For example:

      .\cloneTokenManagerKeys.cmd t3://AdminServer2:7001 t3://AdminServer3:7001

      If TLS (SSL) is enabled, use the t3s protocol to specify the URL. For example:

      .\cloneTokenManagerKeys.cmd t3s://AdminServer2:7002
  3. Copy the startAPScmd (.sh or .cmd) script into the bin directory of <Domain Home> on your current Essbase server machine.

    For Linux,

    1. Copy into $DOMAIN_HOME/bin. For example:

      /scratch/<home dir>/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_Home/user_projects/domains/essbase_domain/bin
    2. Open a command prompt in the $DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory, and grant execute permission to the script. For example,

      chmod +x
    3. Run the script. For example:


    For Windows,

    1. Copy startAPScmd.cmd into %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin. For example:

    2. Open a command prompt in the %DOMAIN_HOME%\bin directory.

    3. Run the script. For example:

  4. Configure your Essbase instances by adding them to Provider Services management using available commands.

    1. Enter help to see all the commands. In this section about setting up a centralized Smart View URL, the commands to focus on are signon, addolapserver, listolapservers, removeolapserver, and signoff. Ignore the commands about clusters unless you want to set up active-active read-only clusters of one cube (if that is the case, see Configure Active-Active (Read-Only) Essbase Clusters).

    2. Enter signon to connect to Provider Services. Provide the user name and password of the WebLogic administrator account. Enter the Provider Services (APS) URL, ending in /japi. OLAP Server name can be left blank.

      Enter user name : admin
      Enter password :
      Enter APS URL :
      Enter OLAP server name : 
      You are signed on.
    3. Enter addolapserver to add an Essbase server that will be included in the Smart View panel. You can name the Essbase servers using @alias. If you omit the alias, server nodes in the Smart View panel will appear as URLs (for example, You can use this command multiple times to add multiple servers.


      Instead of using only the host:port syntax as indicated in the first two examples, Oracle recommends using the Essbase discovery URL (with /essbase/agent appended after the port). If any Essbase applications will be set up for drill through access to external source data, the discovery URL is required.
      Enter input as olapServerName: 
      (eg- host:port@alias or host:port:secure@alias or http(s)://host:port/essbase/agent@alias)
      The olap server is added to the domain.
    4. Enter listolapserver to see all Essbase servers you have added to Provider Services.


      If you need to remove any Essbase servers from the Provider Services configuration, use removeolapserver.

      Enter input as olapServerName:
      The olap server is removed from the domain.
    5. Enter signoff to exit the utility.