Create a Location Alias Based on a Defined Connection

This topic shows you how to create a location alias, which you can use when your XREF/XWRITE formulas need to reference data from a cube on a remote cloud instance. You do not provide a user name and password when you create a location alias. You use a saved connection.

This topic assumes you have created a connection as described in Define a Reusable Connection for Partitions or XREF/XWRITE.
  1. In the Essbase web interface, on the Applications page, expand the target application. In the row for the local cube, click the Actions menu, and click Inspect.
  2. Click the Location Aliases tab.
  3. Click Image of create in Location Aliases.
  4. In the Location alias name field, enter a name.
  5. In the Essbase connection field, select a saved connection to the Essbase instance hosting the remote cube.
  6. Select the remote application and database and click Save.
Now you have created a location alias. To use it for read operations from a remote cube to the target, use the @XREF function in a member formula or calculation script on the local cube. To use it to write from the local to the remote cube, use @XWRITE on the local cube.
@XREF (locationAlias [, mbrList])
@XWRITE (expression, locationAlias [, mbrList])