Define a Reusable Connection for Partitions or XREF/XWRITE

This topic shows you how to create a reusable connection between two Essbase instances. Using the connection, you can then create partitions or use XREF/XWRITE functions.

Create connections globally for use with all applications on the system, or at the application level for use within the context of an application. Global connections require system administrator role, whereas application connections require, at minimum, Application Manager role.

  1. In the Essbase web interface, click Sources, and click Create Connection > Essbase to create a global Essbase connection. Alternatively, use the Actions menu on the target or local application and select Inspect, followed by Sources, Create Connection, and Essbase.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the saved connection; for example myhost01_conn.
  3. Select the Use URL checkbox, and enter the discovery URL of the remote Essbase instance. The discovery URL is available from your system administrator, and ends in /agent.
  4. Enter a user name, password, and a description. The user defined in the connection must be provisioned for the source application you intend to access on the remote instance. If you have used a global connection, the user will need to be a system administrator or be provisioned for all applications you intend to access using the connection.
  5. Click Test to verify that the connection is valid.
  6. If it is valid, click Create to save the connection.
Now you have a remote Essbase connection defined in the service. You can use this connection to define partitions between the two instances, or combine it with a location alias to enable XREF/XWRITE functionality between the two instances.