Download and Use the Command-Line Interface

Download the Command-Line Interface (CLI), available for Windows and Linux, from the desktop tools in the Console in the Essbase web interface

  1. If it is not already installed, download and install Java SE Development Kit 8 from Oracle Technology Network.
  2. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable on your system to point to the JDK installation folder. If the installation path has any spaces, enclose the path in quotation marks. On Windows, restart the computer after setting JAVA_HOME.
    System environment variable JAVA_HOME set to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_171"

  3. In the Essbase web interface, click Console.
  4. In the Console, go to Desktop Tools and expand Command Line Tools.
  5. Under Command Line Tools, click the Command Line Interface (CLI) tile to download the utility.
  6. Save to a local drive. For best results, choose a path that has no spaces; for example, C:\Oracle.
  7. Uncompress, and find the extracted files under the cli folder.
  8. To issue commands interactively,
    1. Navigate to the CLI folder containing the shell script, esscs.bat or
    2. If you're using a proxy, set the proxy:

      For Windows:


      For Linux:

    3. Launch the CLI:

      For Windows:

      esscs login -u MyAdmin -p mypass7YG -url

      For Linux: login -u MyAdmin -p mypass7YG -url

      For more examples and details, see the login command topic.

    If the CLI was installed correctly, a list of supported commands is displayed.
  9. To execute multiple CLI commands, add them to any shell script and execute it.
    In any script you run that contains CLI commands, Oracle recommends you include the following directive before the CLI login statement:

    For Windows:

    set ESSCLI_ID=%USERNAME%_%random%

    For Linux:

    export ESSCLI_ID=`whoami`_$PPID

    This helps store session information and prevent execution errors when multiple scripts are run concurrently.