Essbase, REST, and Smart View Client URLs

Get the Essbase web interface URL for the Oracle Essbase instance you are using from your Service Administrator. The basic format of the URL is:


The default secured port is 9001, unless it was changed during stack creation.

For example:

Essbase components, such as the Smart View client and the REST API, have their own URLs.

Sample Smart View client URL:

You can access Smart View if you have valid credentials. You can also configure the Smart View URL. See Connect to Essbase.

If you have multiple Essbase instances to connect to from Smart View, see Access Multiple Essbase Servers From Smart View.

A Provider Services URL has /japi appended to the end. You can use it to register multiple Essbase instances for centralized URL access. Example:

A discovery URL has /agent appended to the end. You can use it to log in to the MaxL Client. Example:

The following is an example of a REST API URL: