Execute Calculations

After creating and saving calculation scripts, you can execute them in the script editor and perform the calculations on data loaded in your cube.

  1. Create your calculation script, or upload an existing calculation script.
  2. On the Applications page, expand an application, and select a cube.
  3. From the Actions menu, to the right of the cube name, launch the inspector.
  4. Select Scripts, and select a script.
  5. In the script editor, select Execute and then either Run in Foreground or Run in Background.
    • If you choose Run in Forground, Script execution in progress is displayed and you can't close the script editor until the calculation is completed.
    • If you choose Run in Background, you can close the script editor and later check the Jobs page for the status of the calculation.

You can also execute calculation scripts from the Jobs page or from Smart View (whether or not they contain point-of-view based substitution variables).

Calculation scripts can contain runtime substitution variables designed to derive the calculation scope from the point of view (POV) in a Smart View grid. These types of calculation scripts will not execute from the server, because the point of view can only be known from a Smart View grid.

Assign access to execute specific calculation scripts:
  1. Log into the Essbase web interface as a service administrator or power user.
  2. On the Applications page, expand an application, and select a cube.
  3. From the Actions menu, to the right of the cube name, launch the inspector.
  4. Select the Scripts tab, and then select the Calculation Scripts tab.
  5. Select a script and select the Roles tab.
  6. Add the users or groups to assign them access and save your changes. The users or groups are given permission to execute the specific calculation script.

See also: Create Calculation Scripts

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