Explore the Application Directories

The applications directories in the Files catalog contain artifacts associated with using Essbase applications.

For each application that someone creates or imports, Essbase creates a new folder inside the applications folder in the Files catalog. The application folder contains the cube folder, and the cube folder contains cube artifacts.

Artifacts are files related to working with Essbase applications and cubes. Artifacts have various purposes, such as defining calculations or reports. Artifacts pertaining to a cube are stored, by default, in a folder associated with the cube -- also known as the database directory.

Common cube artifacts include:

  • Text files of data or metadata that can be loaded to the cube (.txt, .csv)
  • Rules files for loading data and building dimensions (.rul)
  • Calculation scripts that define how to calculate data (.csc)
  • Application workbooks and other Excel files (.xlsx)
  • MDX scripts (.mdx)
  • Stored metadata about the cube (.xml)


File extensions must be lower case. For example, filename.txt