Service Administrator Role
A Service Administrator has unlimited access to Essbase.
If you are a service administrator, you can do everything that power users and Application Managers can do, for all applications and cubes. Additionally, you can manage users and groups, using the Security page in the web interface. From the Analyze view for any cube, you can execute MDX reports impersonating other users (using Execute As) to test their access.
From the Console, you can manage connections and Datasources at the server level, configure e-mail settings for scenario management, and manage the antivirus scanner, all user sessions, and system configuration. You can also view statistics for all databases, add and remove global substitution variables, access Performance Analyzer to monitor service usage and performance, and view/change any service-level settings.
Unlike Power User, the Service Administrator role cannot be restricted. Service administrators always have full access to all applications and cubes on the Essbase server.