Erasing Data

The Oracle NoSQL Database has a built-in erasure feature that can be run in the background to erase user data after it has become obsolete (i.e. deleted data, expired data, older versions of updated records). The goal of this background thread is to erase the data with very little impact on application performance. Removal of obsoleted data will take longer if node failures occur during erasure. The background thread takes a best effort approach. If a replication node is down, no erasure will occur until it comes back up.

Erasure happens over a user defined erasure time period (its cycle) and it is recommended that the cycle time be long enough for all the erasure work to complete. Any work not completed will be carried over to the next cycle. Data that is erased is removed from the tables and corresponding indexes. The Replication Node parameters: "enableErasure", and "erasurePeriod" control the behavior of erasure. For more information on setting these parameters, see Setting Store Wide Policy Parameters.