
Follow this procedure to install the Oracle NoSQL Database:

  1. Choose a directory where the Oracle NoSQL Database package files (libraries, Javadoc, scripts, and so forth) should reside. We recommend using the same directory path on all nodes in the installation. Use different directories for the Oracle NoSQL Database package files (referred to as <KVHOME> in this document) and the Oracle NoSQL Database data (referred to as KVROOT). Both the <KVHOME> and KVROOT directories should be local to the node, and not on a Network File System.


    To make future software upgrades easier, adopt a convention for <KVHOME> that includes the release number. Always use a <KVHOME> location such as /var/kv/kv-M.N.O, where M.N.O represent the software release.major.minor numbers. You can achieve this easily by using unzip or untar on the distribution into a common directory (/var/kv in this example).

  2. Extract the contents of the Oracle NoSQL Database package ( or kv-M.N.O.tar.gz) to create the <KVHOME> directory. For example, <KVHOME> is the kv-M.N.O/ directory created by extracting the package). If <KVHOME> resides on a shared network directory (which we do not recommend) you need only unpack it on one machine. If <KVHOME> is local to each machine, unpack the package on each node.

  3. Verify the installation using the following command on one of the nodes:

    java -Xmx64m -Xms64m -jar <KVHOME>/lib/kvclient.jar

    You should see some output that looks like this:

    11gR2.M.N.O (....)

    where M.N.O is the package version number.


    Oracle NoSQL Database is a distributed system and the runtime needs to be installed on every node in the cluster. While the entire contents of the Oracle NoSQL Database package do not need to be installed on every node, the contents of the lib directory must be present. How this distribution is done is beyond the scope of this manual.