Java Management Extensions (JMX)

JMX agents in Oracle NoSQL Database are read-only interfaces. These interfaces let you poll Storage Nodes for information about the storage node and about any replication nodes or Admins that the Storage Node hosts. The information available from polling includes the service status (RUNNING, STOPPED, and so on), operational parameters, and performance metrics.

JMX agents also deliver event traps and notifications for particular events. For example, JMX sends notifications for every service status state change, and any performance limits that the store exceeds.

Enabling JMX Monitoring

You can enable monitoring on a per-storage node basis in two different ways:
  • In the boot configuration file.

  • Change the mgmtClass parameter.

In the Bootfile

You can specify that you want to enable JMX in the boot configuration file for the Storage Node.


When you specify -mgmt jmx, a storage node's JMX agent uses the RMI registry at the same port number as it uses for all other RMI services that the Storage Node manages.

By Changing Storage Node Parameters

You can enable JMX after you deploy a store by changing the storage node parameter mgmtClass.

The mgmtClass parameter value may be one of the following class names:

  • To enable JMX:

  • To disable JMX:


Displaying the Oracle NoSQL Database MBeans

You can view the Oracle NoSQL Database JMX MBeans in a monitoring tool such as JConsole. In the JConsole, use the Remote Process option and connect using hostname and registry port for each Storage Node that you would like to view.


You should not choose Local Process option to connect to Oracle NoSQL database.

For example, in the following case, in the JConsole New Connection window, you should choose the Remote Process option and specify localhost:5000 to connect to Oracle NoSQL Database.

JConsole screen and Mbeans