Master is in the Minority Node Partition

Suppose the shard is divided into two partitions. Partition A contains a simple majority of the Replication Nodes from primary zones, but NOT the master. Partition B has the remaining nodes, including the master.

Assuming both partitions are network accessible by your client code, then:

  • Partition A will notice that it no longer has a master. Because Partition A has at least a simple majority of the Replication Nodes in primary zones, it will be able to elect a new master. It will do this quickly, and the shard will continue operations as normal.

    Whether Partition A can service write requests is determined by the durability policy in use. As long as the durability policy requires a simple majority, or less, of replicas, then the shard is able to service write requests.

  • Partition B will continue to operate as normal, believing that it has a valid master. However, the only way Partition B can service write requests is if the durability policy in use requires no participation from the shard's replicas. If a majority of nodes in primary zones must acknowledge the write operation, or if all nodes in primary zones must acknowledge the write, then the partitions will be unable to service writes because not enough nodes are available to satisfy the durability policy.

    If durability NONE is in use, then for the period of time that it takes to resolve the network partition, the shard will operate with two masters. When the partition is resolved, the shard will recognize the problem and correct it. Because Partition A held a valid election, writes performed there will be kept. Any writes performed in Partition B will be discarded. The old master in Partition B will be demoted to a simple replica, and the replicas in Partition B will all be synced with the new master.


    Because of the potential for loss of data in this scenario, Oracle strongly recommends that you do NOT use durability NONE. The only time you should use that durability setting is if you want to absolutely maximize write throughput, and do not care if you lose the data.

Further, if the partition is such that your client code can reach Partition A but not Partition B, then the shard will continue to service read and write requests as normal, but only after an election is held, and then with a reduced read capacity.

However, if the partition is such that your client code can read Partition B but not Partition A, then the shard will be unable to service write requests at all, unless you use the weakest durability policy available. This is because Partition B does not include enough Replication Nodes to satisfy anything other than the weakest available durability policy.