Migrate from MongoDB JSON file to an Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service

This example shows how to use the Oracle NoSQL Database Migrator to copy Mongo-DB Formatted Data to the Oracle NoSQL Database (NDCS).

Use Case

After evaluating multiple options, an organization finalizes Oracle NoSQL Database as its NoSQL Database platform. As its NoSQL tables and data are in MongoDB, they are looking for a way to migrate those tables and data to Oracle NDCS.


For the demonstration, let us look at how to migrate a MongoDB-formatted JSON file to NDCS. We will use a manually created configuration JSON file for this example.
  • Identify the source and sink for the migration.
    • Source: MongoDB-Formatted JSON File
    • Sink: Oracle NoSQL Database
  • Extract the data from Mongo DB using the mongoexport utility. See mongoexport for more information.
  • Create a NoSQL table in the sink with a table schema that matches the data in the Mongo-DB-formatted JSON file. As an alternative, you can instruct the NoSQL Database Migratorto create a table with the default schema structure by setting the defaultSchema attribute to true.


    For a MongoDB-Formatted JSON source, the default schema for the table will be as:
    • tablename = value of the table config.
    • ID = _id value from the mongoDB exported JSON source file.
    • DOCUMENT = The entire contents of the mongoDB exported JSON source file is aggregated into the DOCUMENT column excluding the _id field.
  • Identify your OCI cloud credentials and capture them in the OCI config file. Save the config file in /home/.oci/config. See Acquiring Credentials in Using Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service.
    fingerprint= 43:d1:....
  • Identify the region endpoint and compartment name for your Oracle NoSQL Database.
    • endpoint: us-phoenix-1
    • compartment: developers

To migrate the MongoDB-formatted JSON data to the Oracle NoSQL Database:

  1. Prepare the configuration JSON file with the identified Source and Sink details. See Source Configuration Templates and Sink Configuration Templates.
      "source" : {
        "type" : "file",
        "format" : "mongodb_json",
        "dataPath" : "<complete/path/to/the/MongoDB/Formatted/JSON/file>"
      "sink" : {
        "type" : "nosqldb_cloud",
        "endpoint" : "us-phoenix-1",
        "table" : "mongoImport",
        "compartment" : "developers",
        "schemaInfo" : {
          "defaultSchema" : true,
          "readUnits" : 100,
          "writeUnits" : 60,
          "storageSize" : 1
        "credentials" : "<complete/path/to/the/oci/config/file>",
        "credentialsProfile" : "DEFAULT",
        "writeUnitsPercent" : 90,
        "requestTimeoutMs" : 5000
      "abortOnError" : true,
      "migratorVersion" : "1.0.0"
  2. Open the command prompt and navigate to the directory where you extracted the NoSQL Database Migrator utility.
  3. Run the runMigrator command by passing the configuration JSON file using the --config or -c option.
    [~/nosqlMigrator/nosql-migrator-1.0.0]$./runMigrator --config <complete/path/to/the/JSON/config/file>
  4. The utility proceeds with the data migration, as shown below.
    Records provided by source=29,353, Records written to sink=29,353, Records failed=0.
    Elapsed time: 9min 9sec 630ms
    Migration completed.

To validate the migration, you can login to your NDCS console and verify that myTable is created with the source data.