Packaging Information and Files

After completing the diagnostics setup, you can use the diagnostics collect tool to package important information and files to be able to send them to Oracle Support, for example.

The usage of this command is:

diagnostics collect -logfiles
[-host <host name of a SN in topology>]
[-port <registry port of a SN in topology>]
[-sshusername <SSH username>]
[-username <store username>]
[-security <security-file-path>]
[-configdir <location of Storage Node target file>]
[-savedir <destination directory for log files>]


  • -logfiles

    Specified to gather log files of KVStore and pack them up into a compressed file. These files can be a part of the KVROOT directory or the rnlogdir directory, depending on what was specified when running the makebootconfig file.


    In old servers, je.[info, config, stat] files will still be a part of the environment directory.

    Available disk space in all the hosting machines and the client machine is required. If available disk space is not enough, an error message is prompted. Log files are helpful to analyze some sophisticated issues.

  • -host

    Specifies the host of a Storage Node. If specified, it detects a running topology in order to update the sn-target-list without having to run diagnostics setup first. It needs to be specified with -port.

  • -port

    Specifies the host of a Storage Node. If specified, it detects a running topology in order to update the sn-target-list without having to run diagnostics setup first. It needs to be specified with -host.

  • -sshusername

    Specifies a SSH username to log on as in a Storage Node.

  • -username

    Specifies a username to log on as in a secure deployment.

  • -security

    In a secured deployment, specifies a path to the security file. If not specified in a secure store, updating the sn-target-list will fail.

  • -configdir

    Specifies the directory which contains the sn-target-list. If the flag is not specified, the default directory is the working directory.

  • -savedir

    Optionally used to specify the path of the directory to contain all the log files. If the flag is not specified, the default directory is the working directory.

  • -nocompress

    Specifies that log files should be copied directly instead of being compressed. If the log files size is large, copying can take a while. You should use -nocompress if the remote servers do not have an unzip tool or if compress mode encounters errors.