
#include <kvstore.h>

kv_lob_read(kv_lob_handle_t *handle,
            kv_long_t offset,
            kv_int_t num_bytes_to_read,
            unsigned char *buffer); 

Performs a read of a single chunk, or portion, of a LOB from the store into a buffer. The kv_lob_handle_t must have been opened for read (using kv_lob_get_for_read()) or KV_INVALID_ARGUMENT is returned. Otherwise, the number of bytes read is returned. The end of the LOB is indicated by a return value of 0. A negative return value indicates an error on the read.


  • handle

    The handle parameter is the LOB handle that you want to use to perform the read. It must have been created using kv_lob_get_for_read().

  • offset

    The offset parameter is the offset into the LOB where this read is to begin.

  • num_bytes_to_read

    The num_bytes_to_read parameter is the number of bytes you want to read from the LOB.

  • buffer

    The buffer parameter is the user-supplied buffer into which the LOB chunk is placed. This buffer must be at least num_bytes_to_read bytes in size.