Example Queries on the vehicleTable

When using Oracle Big Data SQL to query data in the Oracle NoSQL Database vehicleTable, simply query the Oracle external table you mapped to that table using the SQL SELECT command. For example,

col type format A5;
col make format A8;
col model format A15;
col class format A25;
col color format A16;
col price format $99,999.90;
col count format 99999;
col dealerid format 0.999999999999999999999999999999999999990;
col delivered format A30; 

set linesize 500;

SELECT * FROM vehicleTable; 
SELECT count(*) FROM vehicleTable;
SELECT min(price) FROM vehicleTable; 
SELECT min(dealerid) FROM vehicleTable; 

SELECT * FROM vehicleTable WHERE make='GM'; 
SELECT * FROM vehicleTable WHERE model='Camaro'; 
SELECT * FROM vehicleTable WHERE model LIKE '%Silverado%'; 
SELECT * FROM vehicleTable WHERE color='yellow' 
    AND type > 'auto' AND type < 'truck'; 
SELECT * FROM vehicleTable WHERE 
    type > 'auto' AND type <= 'truck' AND make LIKE 'Ford';
SELECT * FROM vehicleTable WHERE dealerid > 0.7 AND dealerid < 0.75;
SELECT * FROM vehicleTable WHERE delivered 
    BETWEEN '06-JUN-12 06:53:41.448643 AM' AND '05-SEP-15 03:40:22.057282 PM' 
    ORDER BY delivered;

Note that if you created the Oracle Database external tables vehicleTablePasswd and/or vehicleTableWallet for the case where the Oracle NoSQL Database store is secure, then you would simply replace the name vehicleTable in the queries above with vehicletablePasswd and/or vehicleTableWallet.