Mapping Oracle RDBMS External Tables to Hive External Tables

At this point, although Hive queries can be executed against the table data in the Oracle NoSQL Database you deployed, you cannot yet execute SQL queries against that data. In order to use Oracle Big Data SQL to query that data, you must apply the data model mapping presented in the Table 11-1 table, along with the schemas defined for the Oracle NoSQL Database vehicleTable, rmvTable, and exampleJsonTable to create and map the corresponding Oracle Database external tables to each of the Hive tables that you created.

Assuming the Oracle Database has a pluggable database named ORCLPDB1 and a user named NOSQL_EXAMPLE_USER with password welcome1, connect to the database via Oracle sqlplus and execute the SQL commands presented in the following sections to create the necessary Oracle external tables; for example,

sqlplus NOSQL_EXAMPLE_USER/welcome1@oracledb-host:1521/ORCLPDB1