Class PofKeySerializer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PofKeySerializer
    extends Object
    implements PofSerializer
    This class provides Coherence Portable Object Format (POF) serialization of the Key class. It is provided as a convenience to Coherence applications that are currently using Coherence POF serialization and would like to use the NoSQLBinaryStore cache module to achieve cache persistence.

    Users are not expected to directly interact with this class. It is expected that the class is managed by Coherence as the result of XML configuration supplied to Coherence at program startup. The documentation contained in this class is intended primarily to explain the XML configuration options.

    In the initial implementation of an application, you likely would not need to serialize Key objects, but you might want to use it in order to gain greater control over the mapping of cache keys to NoSQL DB keys. If the application needs to use the Key class, it must be serializable, and since Key doe not implement POF serialization directly, the serialization implementation must be provided externally, and this module provides that capability.

    In order to use this serializer class, you must include a user-type defintion for the Key class in your application's POF configuration file:

    where XXXX should be replaced by a type number assigned by your application.