Class TableRecordObjectInspector.TableStructField

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing class:

    protected static class TableRecordObjectInspector.TableStructField
    extends StandardStructObjectInspector.MyField
    Special class provided to support testing the getStructFieldData method; which casts the given StructField parameter to the MyField nested class of the StandardStructObjectInspector class. Tests can create an instance or subclass of this class to be input to that method, and the cast that is performed will be allowed.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TableStructField

        public TableStructField()
      • TableStructField

        public TableStructField​(int fieldId,
                                String fieldName,
                                ObjectInspector fieldObjectInspector)
      • TableStructField

        public TableStructField​(int fieldId,
                                String fieldName,
                                ObjectInspector fieldObjectInspector,
                                String fieldComment)