Interface RepNodeMXBean

  • public interface RepNodeMXBean
    This MBean represents the RepNode's status, performance metrics, and operational parameters.

    The performance metrics are organized into five groups, four of which are characterized by whether they refer to single-operation or multi-operation client activities; as well as whether they reference measurements over the most recent collection interval, or measurements accumulated since the RepNode started. The fifth group consists of measurements that don't fall into one of the first four groups.

    1. Single-operation interval metrics. The accessors for these items begin with the prefix getInterval.
    2. Multi-operation interval metrics. The accessors for these items begin with the prefix getMultiInterval.
    3. Single-operation cumulative metrics. The accessors for these items begin with the prefix getCumulative.
    4. Multi-operation cumulative metrics. The accessors for these items begin with the prefix getMultiCumulative.
    5. Metrics that don't fall into one of the above groups. The accessors for these items begin with the prefix get, followed by the metric's name.

    Within the first four groups, the accessor's suffix indicates which of the following items are reported.

    1. LatAvg is the average latency recorded during the interval.
    2. LatMax is the maximum latency
    3. LatMin is the minimum latency
    4. Pct99 is the 99th percentile latency
    5. Pct95 is the 95th percentile latency
    6. TotalOps is the number of operations
    7. Throughput is number of operations per second
    8. End is the timestamp at the end of the measured interval
    9. Start is the timestamp at the beginning of the measured interval

    Similarly, within the last group of metrics, the accessor's suffix also indicates which of the items are reported.

    • Method Detail

      • getRepNodeId

        String getRepNodeId()
        Returns the RepNodeId, in its String form.
      • getServiceStatus

        String getServiceStatus()
        Returns the reported service status of the Replication Node.
      • getIntervalLatAvg

        float getIntervalLatAvg()
        The average latency for single operations during a measured interval.
      • getIntervalLatMax

        int getIntervalLatMax()
        Returns the highest latency for single operations measured during an interval.
      • getIntervalLatMin

        int getIntervalLatMin()
        Returns the lowest latency for singleton operations measured during an interval.
      • getIntervalPct95

        int getIntervalPct95()
        Returns the 95th percentile latency for single operations during a measured interval.
      • getIntervalPct99

        int getIntervalPct99()
        Returns the 99th percentile latency for single operations during a measured interval.
      • getIntervalTotalOps

        int getIntervalTotalOps()
        Returns the total number of singleton operations during a measured interval as an int.
      • getIntervalTotalOpsLong

        long getIntervalTotalOpsLong()
        Returns the total number of singleton operations during a measured interval.
      • getIntervalEnd

        Date getIntervalEnd()
        Returns the timestamp at the end of a measured interval.
      • getIntervalStart

        Date getIntervalStart()
        Returns the timestamp at the beginning of a measured interval.
      • getIntervalThroughput

        long getIntervalThroughput()
        Returns singleton operations per second during a measured interval.
      • getCumulativeLatAvg

        float getCumulativeLatAvg()
        Returns the average latency for single operations since service startup.
      • getCumulativeLatMax

        int getCumulativeLatMax()
        Returns the highest latency measured for single operations since service startup.
      • getCumulativeLatMin

        int getCumulativeLatMin()
        Returns the lowest latency measured for single operations since service startup.
      • getCumulativePct95

        int getCumulativePct95()
        Returns the 95th percentile latency for single operations since service startup.
      • getCumulativePct99

        int getCumulativePct99()
        Returns the 99th percentile latency for single operations since service startup.
      • getCumulativeTotalOps

        int getCumulativeTotalOps()
        Returns the total number of single operations since service startup as an int.
      • getCumulativeTotalOpsLong

        long getCumulativeTotalOpsLong()
        Returns the total number of single operations since service startup.
      • getCumulativeEnd

        Date getCumulativeEnd()
        Returns the timestamp at the end of a cumulative measurement period.
      • getCumulativeStart

        Date getCumulativeStart()
        Returns the timestamp at the beginning of a cumulative measurement period.
      • getCumulativeThroughput

        long getCumulativeThroughput()
        Returns single operations per second since service startup.
      • getMultiIntervalLatAvg

        float getMultiIntervalLatAvg()
        Returns the average latency for multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
      • getMultiIntervalLatMax

        int getMultiIntervalLatMax()
        Returns the highest latency measured for multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
      • getMultiIntervalLatMin

        int getMultiIntervalLatMin()
        Returns the lowest latency measured for multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
      • getMultiIntervalPct95

        int getMultiIntervalPct95()
        Returns the 95th percentile latency for multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
      • getMultiIntervalPct99

        int getMultiIntervalPct99()
        Returns the 99th percentile latency for multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
      • getMultiIntervalTotalOps

        int getMultiIntervalTotalOps()
        Returns the total number of single operations performed in multi-operation sequences during a measured interval as an int.
      • getMultiIntervalTotalOpsLong

        long getMultiIntervalTotalOpsLong()
        Returns the total number of single operations performed in multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
      • getMultiIntervalTotalRequests

        int getMultiIntervalTotalRequests()
        Returns the total number of multi-operation sequences during a measured interval as an int.
      • getMultiIntervalTotalRequestsLong

        long getMultiIntervalTotalRequestsLong()
        Returns the total number of multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
      • getMultiIntervalEnd

        Date getMultiIntervalEnd()
        Returns the timestamp at the end of a measured interval.
      • getMultiIntervalStart

        Date getMultiIntervalStart()
        Returns the timestamp at the beginning of a measured interval.
      • getMultiIntervalThroughput

        long getMultiIntervalThroughput()
        Returns multi-operations sequences per second during a measured interval.
      • getMultiCumulativeLatAvg

        float getMultiCumulativeLatAvg()
        Returns the average latency for multi-operation sequences since service startup.
      • getMultiCumulativeLatMax

        int getMultiCumulativeLatMax()
        Returns the highest latency measured for multi-operation sequences since service startup.
      • getMultiCumulativeLatMin

        int getMultiCumulativeLatMin()
        Returns the lowest latency measured for multi-operation sequences since service startup.
      • getMultiCumulativePct95

        int getMultiCumulativePct95()
        Returns the 95th percentile latency for multi-operation sequences since service startup.
      • getMultiCumulativePct99

        int getMultiCumulativePct99()
        Returns the 99th percentile latency for multi-operation sequences since service startup.
      • getMultiCumulativeTotalOps

        int getMultiCumulativeTotalOps()
        Returns the total number of single operations performed in multi-operation sequences since service startup as an int.
      • getMultiCumulativeTotalOpsLong

        long getMultiCumulativeTotalOpsLong()
        Returns the total number of single operations performed in multi-operation sequences since service startup.
      • getMultiCumulativeTotalRequestsLong

        long getMultiCumulativeTotalRequestsLong()
        Returns the total number of multi operation sequences since service startup.
      • getMultiCumulativeEnd

        Date getMultiCumulativeEnd()
        Returns the timestamp at the end of a cumulative measurement period.
      • getMultiCumulativeStart

        Date getMultiCumulativeStart()
        Returns Timestamp of service startup; the start time of a cumulative measurement.
      • getMultiCumulativeThroughput

        long getMultiCumulativeThroughput()
        Returns Multi-operations sequences per second since service startup.
      • getCommitLag

        long getCommitLag()
        as of 18.3. The values returned by this method were undependable because they could be influenced by clock skew. Use the JE replicaAvgDelayMsMap stat instead.
      • getConfigProperties

        String getConfigProperties()
        Returns Non-default BDB-JE configuration properties.
      • getJavaMiscParams

        String getJavaMiscParams()
        Returns a string that is added to the command line when the Replication Node process is started.
      • getLoggingConfigProps

        String getLoggingConfigProps()
        Returns property settings for the Logging subsystem.
      • getCollectEnvStats

        boolean getCollectEnvStats()
        If true, then the underlying BDB-JE subsystem will dump statistics into a local .stat file.
      • getCacheSize

        int getCacheSize()
        Returns the size of the BDB-JE cache, in MBytes.
      • getMaxTrackedLatency

        int getMaxTrackedLatency()
        as of 20.3. There is no longer a cap on the latency for tracking.
      • getStatsInterval

        int getStatsInterval()
        Returns the collection period for latency statistics, in sec.
      • getHeapMB

        int getHeapMB()
        Returns the size of the Java heap for this Replication Node, in MB.
      • getMountPoint

        String getMountPoint()
        Returns the path to the file system mount point where this Replication Node's files are stored.
      • getMountPointSize

        long getMountPointSize()
        Returns the size of the file system mount point where this Replication Node's files are stored.
      • getLogMountPoint

        String getLogMountPoint()
        Returns the path to the RN log mount point where this Replication Node's logging files are stored.
      • getLogMountPointSize

        long getLogMountPointSize()
        Returns the size of the RN log mount point where this Replication Node's logging files are stored.
      • getLatencyCeiling

        int getLatencyCeiling()
        If the Replication Node's latency exceeds this value, a latency ceiling notification will be sent.
      • getThroughputFloor

        int getThroughputFloor()
        Returns the lower bound on Replication Node throughput. Lower throughput reports will cause a throughput floor notification to be sent.
      • getCommitLagThreshold

        long getCommitLagThreshold()
        as of 18.3. No longer supported now that getCommitLag is not supported.
      • getReplicationState

        String getReplicationState()
        Returns the replication state of the node, as of the most recent report.
        See Also:
      • getOpMetric

        String getOpMetric()
        Returns a JSON string containing a bundle of operation-related metrics. These metrics are also reported by the notification oracle.kv.repnode.opmetric, which is described in the Run Book.
        See Also:
        Software Monitoring
      • getEnvMetric

        String getEnvMetric()
        Returns a JSON string containing a bundle of JE environment-related metrics. These metrics are also reported by the notification oracle.kv.repnode.envmetric, which is described in the RunBook.
        See Also:
        Software Monitoring