Interface StorageNodeMXBean

  • public interface StorageNodeMXBean
    This MBean represents the Storage Node's operational parameters.

    The information that is published to the <kvroot>/log/<storename>.stats and <kvroot>/log/<storename>.perf files is also available through this MBean, via the standard mechanism. An application may subscribe to notifications from a given Storage Node by adding a notification listener with the name "Oracle NoSQL Database:type=StorageNode"

    1. Notifications of type "oracle.kv.repnode.opmetric" contain a user data payload that is the full listing of performance metrics for a given RN. The stats are a string in JSON form, and are obtained via Notification.getUserData().
    2. Notifications of type "oracle.kv.repnode.envmetric" contain a user data payload that is the full listing of detailed stats for a given RN. The stats are a string in JSON form and are obtained via Notification.getUserData().
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      String getAdminMountPoints()
      Returns Admin mount points on this Storage node.
      int getCapacity()
      Returns the number of Replication Nodes that can be hosted on this Storage Node.
      long getCollectorInterval()
      Returns the collector service interval
      String getHAHostname()
      Returns the name of the network interface used for communication between Replication Nodes
      String getHaPortRange()
      Returns the range of port numbers available for assigning to Replication Nodes that are hosted on this Storage Node.
      String getHostname()
      Returns the name associated with the network interface on which this Storage Node's registry listens.
      int getLogFileCount()
      Returns the number of log files that are kept.
      int getLogFileLimit()
      Returns the maximum size of log files.
      int getMemoryMB()
      Returns the amount of memory known to be available on this Storage Node, in megabytes.
      String getMountPoints()
      Returns a list of file system mount points on which Replication Nodes can be deployed
      int getNumCPUs()
      Returns the number of CPUs known to be available on this Storage Node.
      int getRegistryPort()
      Returns the port number of the Storage Node's RMI registry.
      String getRNLogMountPoints()
      Returns a list of RN log mount points on which Replication Nodes logging can be done
      String getRootDirPath()
      Returns the pathname of the store's root directory.
      String getServiceStatus()
      Returns the reported service status of the Storage Node.
      int getSnId()
      Returns the StorageNodeId number of this Storage Node.
      String getStoreName()
      Returns the configured name of the store to which this Storage Node belongs.
      boolean isHostingAdmin()
      Returns true if this Storage Node hosts an Admin instance.
    • Method Detail

      • getSnId

        int getSnId()
        Returns the StorageNodeId number of this Storage Node.
      • getServiceStatus

        String getServiceStatus()
        Returns the reported service status of the Storage Node.
      • isHostingAdmin

        boolean isHostingAdmin()
        Returns true if this Storage Node hosts an Admin instance.
      • getRootDirPath

        String getRootDirPath()
        Returns the pathname of the store's root directory.
      • getStoreName

        String getStoreName()
        Returns the configured name of the store to which this Storage Node belongs.
      • getHaPortRange

        String getHaPortRange()
        Returns the range of port numbers available for assigning to Replication Nodes that are hosted on this Storage Node. A port is allocated automatically from this range when a Replication Node is deployed.
      • getHAHostname

        String getHAHostname()
        Returns the name of the network interface used for communication between Replication Nodes
      • getRegistryPort

        int getRegistryPort()
        Returns the port number of the Storage Node's RMI registry.
      • getCapacity

        int getCapacity()
        Returns the number of Replication Nodes that can be hosted on this Storage Node.
      • getHostname

        String getHostname()
        Returns the name associated with the network interface on which this Storage Node's registry listens.
      • getLogFileLimit

        int getLogFileLimit()
        Returns the maximum size of log files.
      • getLogFileCount

        int getLogFileCount()
        Returns the number of log files that are kept.
      • getMemoryMB

        int getMemoryMB()
        Returns the amount of memory known to be available on this Storage Node, in megabytes.
      • getNumCPUs

        int getNumCPUs()
        Returns the number of CPUs known to be available on this Storage Node.
      • getMountPoints

        String getMountPoints()
        Returns a list of file system mount points on which Replication Nodes can be deployed
      • getRNLogMountPoints

        String getRNLogMountPoints()
        Returns a list of RN log mount points on which Replication Nodes logging can be done
      • getAdminMountPoints

        String getAdminMountPoints()
        Returns Admin mount points on this Storage node.
      • getCollectorInterval

        long getCollectorInterval()
        Returns the collector service interval