Class NoSQLPublisherConfig

  • public class NoSQLPublisherConfig
    extends Object
    Configuration used to create an instance of NoSQLPublisher. User need to specify
    • an instance of KVStoreConfig
    • a path to a writable directory to create the publisher root directory.
    In addition, user can also specify
    • shard timeout in milliseconds, which represents a warning threshold of time that NoSQLPublisher does not hear from a shard. If a subscription does not hear from a shard for more than this threshold, a ShardTimeoutException will be signaled via NoSQLSubscriber.onWarn;
    • maximum concurrent subscriptions, which represents a upper bound of the maximum number of concurrent subscriptions the publisher can support.
    For secure store, user need to specify
    • login credentials which will be used to authenticate with NoSQL DB
    • a reauthentication handler which will be used to re-authenticate with the NoSQL DB.
    • Method Detail

      • getStoreName

        public String getStoreName()
        Gets the source kvstore name
        the source kvstore name
      • getHelperHosts

        public String[] getHelperHosts()
        Gets the list of source kvstore helper hosts
        the list of source kvstore helper hosts
      • getShardTimeoutMs

        public long getShardTimeoutMs()
        Gets the configured shard timeout in ms
        the configured shard timeout in ms
      • getMaxConcurrentSubs

        public int getMaxConcurrentSubs()
        Gets the maximum number of concurrent subscriptions supported by this publisher.
        the maximum number of concurrent subscriptions
      • getRootPath

        public String getRootPath()
        Gets the root directory of the publisher
        the root directory
      • allowPreexistDir

        public boolean allowPreexistDir()
        Returns true if pre-exist directory is allowed
        true if pre-exist directory is allowed
      • getPublisherId

        public String getPublisherId()
        Returns the publisher id, or null if not set
        the publisher id, or null if not set
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object