Class NoSQLSubscriptionConfig

  • public class NoSQLSubscriptionConfig
    extends Object
    Configuration used by the NoSQL Publisher to create a subscription.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int DEFAULT_EMPTY_STREAM_LIFETIME_SECS
        Default empty stream lifetime in seconds
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int DEFAULT_STREAM_CHANGE_TIMEOUT_MS
        Default timeout in ms to change the stream, e.g, add or remove tables from stream
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getCkptTableName

        public String getCkptTableName()
        Gets the name of checkpoint table associated with subscription
        the full namespace name of checkpoint table
      • getSubscriberId

        public NoSQLSubscriberId getSubscriberId()
        Gets the subscriber ID of the configuration.
        subscriber ID
      • getTables

        public Set<String> getTables()
        Returns the tables to be associated with a subscription. If null or an empty set, it means all tables be streamed.
      • useNewCheckpointTable

        public boolean useNewCheckpointTable()
        Returns true if the subscription should attempt to create the checkpoint table if it doesn't already exist.
        true if new checkpoint table should be created if needed
      • getEmptyStreamSecs

        public int getEmptyStreamSecs()
        Returns the lifetime in seconds of empty subscription.
        the lifetime of empty subscription
      • subscriberIncludesShard

        public static boolean subscriberIncludesShard​(NoSQLSubscriberId si,
                                                      oracle.kv.impl.topo.RepGroupId shardId)
        Returns true if the given shard should be included in the given subscriber.
        si - subscriber id
        shardId - shard id
        true if the given shard should be included in the given subscriber, false otherwise.
      • getStreamMode

        public NoSQLStreamMode getStreamMode()
        Returns the start stream mode.
        the start stream mode