plan remove-admin



Removes the desired Admin instances; either the single specified instance, or all instances deployed to the specified zone.

If the admin flag is used and there are 3 or fewer Admins running in the store, or if the zn or znname flag is used and the removal of all Admins from the specified zone would result in only one or two Admins in the store, then the desired Admins will be removed only if the force flag is also specified.

Additionally, if the admin flag is used and there is only one Admin in the store, or if the zn or znname flag is used and the removal of all Admins from the specified zone would result in the removal of all Admins from the store, then the desired Admins will not be removed.


There are no request parameters for this operation.

Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
Admin CLI Command:
plan remove-admin -admin | -zn | -znname [-failedSn]
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
            "admin":"Id of the admin to remove"
            "zn":"Remove the admin in the zone by Id"
            "znname":"Remove the admin in the zone by name"
            "failedSn":"true|false Whether the admin is on a failed SN"
Nested Schema : arguments
Type: array
Show Source
Nested Schema : items
Type: object
Show Source
Nested Schema : argumentValue
Match One Schema
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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Operation ended successfully
Body ()
Root Schema : commonResponse
Type: object
Show Source
    "operation":"operation executed",
    "returnCode":"5000 when success, 5100 infers illegal command, 5200 - 5500 infers connection/resource/internal problem at execution",
    "description":"error description when returnCode != 5000",
    "returnValue":"JSON object with the output returned by the command when returnCode: 5000(success). Otherwise, null"
Nested Schema : returnValue
Type: object
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