starts_with Function

The starts_with function indicates whether or not the source string begins with the search string.


returnvalue starts_with(source, search_string)

source ::= any*
search_string ::= any*
returnvalue ::= boolean



The input string to be searched. This argument is implicitly cast to a sequence of strings.


The string that should be searched in the source. This argument is implicitly cast to a sequence of strings.


Returns true if source begins with search_string else returns false.

Returns false if any argument is an empty sequence or a sequence with more than one item.

Returns NULL if source or search_string is NULL.

Example 12-17 starts_with Function

In this example, the firstname field values that starts with the string "Pe" is indicated as true.

SELECT firstname, starts_with(firstname,"Pe") FROM users;
 | firstname | Column_2 |
 | John      | false    |
 | Peter     | true     |
 | Mary      | false    |